Maxie Atkins=Inventions  



About Us


No Short Cuts to the Research, Design, Manufacturing and the Development of Inventions

This website was started as a resource to collaborate, research, design and eventually develop my inventions and to lead visitors to, to support and bring awareness to our mission and cause. The inventions will become available but will not be shared at this time instead I invite you to please log onto the above site and help bring more change into the community.

                                    Inventions & Books Mission/Vision
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Maxie Atkins

Philanthropist, Writer, Action Inventor

Information on the Research Development, Promotions & Products Contact, invent@maxieatkins
                                        SIGNS SONGS SPOKEN WORDS
Book 1 editing process is complete and ready for print to final order.

Book 2 editing process is complete and ready for print to  final order.

Ending Book which includes 1&2 Books is in it's last editing stages before it goes to print in just a few short weeks.


                                                Maxie Atkins New Book
                               Momma Lucy Loves By Numbers Synopsis
                                           Books & Featured Page


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